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Cinnamon Twists with Coconut

From: Karen 
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: Cinnamon Twist with a twist.

RE: My Grandmother made a cinnamon twist that was on the box or packet of Fleischmann's Active Dry yeast. 
This recipe had not only cinnamon but coconut and pecans or nuts as well. I have searched everywhere. 
I found it about 10 years ago but lost it when my hard drive died. Appreciate the help. 
Thanks so much.

The pastry was made with sour cream.

Hello Karen,

I found a few cinnamon twists recipes that said they were from the Fleischmann’s Yeast Package. Some had sour cream in the dough, but none of them had coconut. I found recipes that did not say they came from the Fleischmann’s Yeast Package, but did call for Fleischmann’s Yeast. Some had sour cream in the dough, but none of them had coconut. I found recipes that did not say they came from the Fleischmann’s Yeast Package and did not give a particular brand of yeast. Some had sour cream in the dough, but none of them had coconut. I also checked for “cinnamon rolls” recipes that fit your criteria but were called “rolls” instead of “twists.” This, too, yielded no results.

Fleischmann’s has issued several small recipe books over the years, and your recipe might be in one of them. You can find used copies of these for sale on E-Bay or other sites where used books and the like are sold.

I’ll post this in the hope that a readers can help.


Karo Caramel Apple Pie

From: Yvonne November 09, 2014 2:36 PM
Subject: Apple Pie Request

Years ago I used a recipe for a caramel apple pie that I found in a Karo ad that was wonderful.  
It was maybe ‘88 or ’89. The filling was made with syrup and the crust had a caramel topping with 
nuts poured over the top crust before it was baked. 

When I moved to Costa Rica in ’91, I gave away my magazines and lost it. I have searched Karo’s 
website and Googled until I almost wore out the site and I have had no luck. I know that there is 
nothing similar on your site but maybe one of your readers loved it as much as I did and saved it. 

I know that if anyone can find it, it is you. Thank you for all of your hard work.


Hello Yvonne,

I had no success locating this recipe, but I’ll put in on my site in case a reader can help.


From: "Kelso" 
Subject: Karo Caramel Apple Pie
Date: Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:06 PM

see: Caramel Glazed Apple Pie

Thanks for all your hard work.

Happy Holidays!!!


B Altman's Beef Barley Soup

-----Original Message----- 
From: Terry  
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 4:08 PM 
Subject: B Altmans soup 

Recipe for their beef barley soup !


Hello Terry,

Sorry, I can't find even a mention of this.


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