From: Kim
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 1:25 AM
Subject: any help for childhood memory
Hi I really want to find a recipe for something I remember getting in elementary school lunch.
Only 2 things I remember the pizza burger…and this one I don’t even remember the name of it.
I'm thinking it was named some type of “hat” I’m not sure of the base but I think it was fried
bologna and I remember for sure a scoop of mashed potatoes on top and a slice of cheese
on top of that..I loved it. I didn’t like much else just these 2 things I never forgot and thanks to
you and others ive found a few ‘’pizza burger’’ recipes..can you at all help with the hat thing??
This was in the mid 1970’s chas wv. Thanks
Hi Kim,
Look here: Baloney Cups
I also saw these referred to as "beetle hats".
From: Douglas
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 2:18 AM
Subject: Baseball
I'm sorry to bother you again, I'm watching the baseball playoffs and every time a ball
that a pitcher throws to the batter hits the ground the catcher throws it out of the game
for a new one. I would think the pitcher would want the ball back because it might be
scuffed up and he could use it to his benefit for a pitch. I grew up in Detroit in the 50's
and 60's where the pitchers would scuff up the ball on purpose to make it curve better
or sink better. The umpires were always checking the ball to make sure their were no
marks on it and sometimes would throw the pitcher out of the game. Whitey Ford
would use a ring on his finger to cut the ball for better control but he would get caught
sometimes. My question is why do the catcher throw the ball out of games and not try
to get an advantage to his pitcher like they did in the 50's and 60's. Was their a rule
change that I don't know about a scuffed ball during a game or why they don't try to
throw it back to the pitcher? If you think this is to weird of a question feel free to not
answer it and I would understand!!!!!!
Thank's Douglas
Hello Doug,
No problem. I enjoy the occasions when I get a question that isn’t related to food. There is a discussion of this issue here: Quora
Also, a former MLB pitcher talks about it here: Fox Sports
The gist is that any sort of scuff, scrape, or cut on a ball changes the aerodynamics of the thrown ball and
gives a pitcher who knows how to use it an unfair advantage over the batter, similar to the unfair advantage
given by a spitball. Knowingly using a scuffed ball in this manner is considered a violation of MLB Rule 8.02:
The pitcher shall not
(a)(2) (place) expectorate on the ball, either hand or his glove;
(3) rub the ball on his glove, person or clothing;
(4) apply a foreign substance of any kind to the ball;
(5) deface the ball in any manner; or
(6) deliver a ball altered in a manner prescribed by Rule 8.02(a)(2) through (5) or what is called the shine ball, spit ball, mud ball or emery ball.
Knowingly using a scuffed ball like this could get a pitcher ejected from a game or even suspended. The catcher is protecting him.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bonnie
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2016 2:36 PM
Subject: Trader Vic's recipe for lobster (restaurant in washingtonDC)
This recipe was prepared at the table with multiple flourishes…flaming sauce
pan…. spices added to make the sauce9warmish spicy cream)….cream, A1,brandy
shallots and of course fresh lobster… divine served with half an avocado
with some kind of balsamic dressing….and of course a rum deadly drink served
in a coconut shaped ceramic container…..I do have the recipe book that
includes the Polynesian type dinners but not the one I want…Thank you for
your help….Bonnie
Hello Bonnie,
I have three Trader Vic's cookbooks: "Trader Vic's Pacific Island Cookbook",
"Trader Vic's Book of Food & Drink", and "Trader Vic's Helluva Man's
Cookbook". There is not a recipe in any of them that fits your description.
I searched the web for a scanned image of Trader Vic's menu, and none of the
available images had a lobster recipe such as you describe. However, I did
not find a scan of the menu from the Washington DC restaurant specifically.
There are several lobster with cream sauce recipes on the web that have
cream, brandy, and shallots, but none that fits your description exactly
with the A1 and none that mentions Trader Vic's.
The recipe below is an example of "Lobster In Brandy Cream Sauce", with onion rather than shallots.
These dishes are also similar to lobster Newburg.
I'll post this for reader input.
Lobster In Brandy Cream Sauce
1 lb. lobster meat, cooked (do not over cook)
1 stick butter
1 onion, melted
2 carrots, shredded
1/4 c. brandy
1 tsp. fennel
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. saffron (if not available, use paprika)
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
2 c. heavy cream
Chop lobster meat into 1 inch pieces and set aside. Saute onions and carrots in
butter until tender.
Add the lobster and cook until lobster is glazed but not brown. Heat brandy.
Pour over lobster and set aflame. Stir until flame dies. Blend in seasonings,
lemon juice, and cream. Stir until thickened.
Serve over rice or linguine.
Thank you for your efforts…will try this as it looks delicious ….wish I could just pop over to DC and go to the restaurant….