From: Herbert
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 11:54 AM
Subject: request
Have you been able to find an approximation for the chili sauce at
Pat's Hubba Hubba or Texas Chili in Port Chester NY?
Hello Herbert,
I made a thorough search today, and I had no success locating a chili sauce recipe or a copycat or a “tastes-like” from either of these Port Chester locations.
I’ll post this request on my site for reader input.
From: Herbert
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 3:18 PM
To: Phaedrus
Subject: Re: Port Chester, NY chili dogs
I don't think this is it, but is the only one I can find
Port Chester Texas Chili
Hello Herbert,
Well, there have been two “Texas Chili” hot dog shops in Port Chester. Hubba’s was also a “Texas Chili” (or "Texas Quick Lunch") before it became Pat’s Hubba Hubba.
However, if you mean the “Texas Chili” that is currently open in Port Chester, then that one at
Kim's What's Up would be it - at least it’s the blogger’s father’s copycat recipe for their chili.
From: Mike ne 02, 2016 6:16 PM
Subject: Fiesta flan
To find the recipe for fiesta flan from souplantation
Hello Mike,
I think you mean “fiesta flan cake”, which was a special dessert served by Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes for one week only in May.
I had no success finding anything else about it. No description, no recipe, no copycat, and no “tastes-like”.
I’ll post this on my site for reader input.
From: tracy
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 9:02 AM
Subject: Recipe
Hello Phaedrus,
My name is Tracy and I have been searching for a recipe since 1985.
My grandmother made a cake called "Hipolite Cake". I understand
that Hipolite was a brand name for a marshmallow fluff that could be
made into an icing for a cake. My grandmother actually used the brand
named Fluff but always called the cake Hipolite because, I gather, she
originally used Hipolite in the icing. The cake was just a plain vanilla
box cake and she used grape jelly in between two round cakes.
She made the Fluff or Hipolite icing and it was thick and sticky.
After icing the cake she'd put it in the fridge. It was great. Sadly she
passed away suddenly in 1984 and took the recipe with her to her grave.
My mother and I have tried again and again to make this thick Hipolite
icing but it always comes out too soft and thin. We're at a loss.
I'd would so appreciate if you could find this icing recipe for me.
I searched the internet high and low and your site was
the very first that I found to even make reference to Hipolite.
Thank so much,
Hi Tracy,
I only have two recipes currently on my site that call for this product – fudge and divinity. I could not find a recipe called
“Hipolite icing” or Hipolite Frosting”, although there may be recipes for “Marshmallow Frosting” (or icing) that call for
Hip-O-Lite marshmallow crème. There are several considerations when searching for anything connected with this brand of Marshmallow crème:
1. The company has been out of business for decades.
2. The company’s name was “Hipolite” after the last name of its founder. The brand name on the marshmallow crème jar was “Hip-O-Lite”.
However, you will find the product name spelled several ways on the Internet, including “hippolite” and “hippolyte.”
3. Hip-O-Lite marshmallow crème was often used as a cake frosting right out of the jar, with nothing added. This method of using
it was mentioned in many of the company’s magazine and newspaper ads.
The only “Hipolite” or similarly named cake recipe that could find is this one, but it does not call for grape jelly:
Hippolyte Cake
I did find a frosting recipe in a Hip-O-Lite newspaper ad from August 31, 1958 in The Decatur Herald from Decatur, Illinois · Page 66.
It is called “Snow White Cake Frosting “:
Snow White Cake Frosting: 1/4 pint HIP-O-LITE, 3 tablespoons warm water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 cups confectioner's sugar,
Combine HIP-O-LITE, warm water and vanilla. Stir in sugar 1/4 cup at a time.
Hip-O-Lite published several small recipe pamphlets of the type that were popular years ago. You can find used copies for sale on the Web.
There are some on Ebay. See: E-Bay
I’m afraid this is the best I can do with the available information. I’ll post this for reader input.
Thank you so much! This is tremendously helpful. I've never been able to find
a recipe for the Hipolite icing.
Thank you again!!!