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Today's Case

Maid of Scandinavia Renè Candy

Re: Candy Recipe
From: Shannon
Date: 1/8/2022, 3:02 PM

On 1/8/2022 11:19 AM, Shannon wrote:

Thanks again for the Sunshine Bar recipe. 

I’m now on a mission for a specific candy recipe. It is a coconut 
and pecan candy coated in melted chocolate and paraffin. It is 
called Renè and I’m guessing it is roughly from the late 1970’s to 
early 1980’s. My mother and her sister used to make this candy and 
I cannot find the recipe in my mothers recipe binder. I have no 
idea where it came from originally but I do know they used several 
recipes from a now defunct candy company called Maid of Scandinavia 
that was located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Any help would be great 
appreciated. I have scoured the internet with no luck finding it.

Hi Shannon,

This is not going to be as easy as the Sunshine Bars recipe.

I cannot find any candy at all called "renè".

"Maid of Scandinavia" was primarily a baking and baking supply company. There are no "Maid of Scandinavia" recipes online. They did publish several cookbooks, including one called "The Candy Book". I found a copy and checked, but your recipe is not in it.

Going by ingredients, your candy sounds like "Martha Washington Candy", but that candy is made into balls, which are dipped in chocolate. See here for a recipe: Martha Washington Candy

Also, I found the below recipe. Although it's not called "Martha Washington Candy", it's basically the same thing, and it too, is made into balls. The only other thing that I can do is post this for reader input.


Out Of This World Candy     

2 sticks butter
2 lb. powdered sugar
1 tbsp. vanilla
1 can Eagle brand milk
1 1/3 c. coconut
2 c. chopped pecans
12 oz. chocolate chips
1/2 slab paraffin wax

Melt butter, then add powdered sugar, milk and vanilla. Mix well. 
Stir in coconut and pecans. Drop by teaspoons or roll in balls and 
place on cookie sheet. Chill for 1 hour.
Melt chocolate and wax in double boiler. Dip balls in chocolate mixture.
Thanks for trying, I figured as much since I wasn’t getting anywhere either. 
It was on a typed up sheet with several other recipes for candy that Maid 
of Scandinavia would throw in her order box and was definitely called Renè. 
It was similar to coconut bonbons with chopped pecans but was moister to 
the point it was spread it out a pan and then put in the refrigerator to 
set, then cut into pieces and coated in melted chocolate tempered with 
paraffin wax.

I’m sure I will run across the recipe eventually. My mother has two entire 
three foot tall bookcases full or cookbooks and binders full of recipes. 
I have been slowly trying to go thru them now that she’s passed and 
eliminate duplicates and recipes I would never use but I think she has 
every recipe she’s ever seen that she thought she would try. I actually 
have a cookbook from the 1930’s or 40’s that belonged to my grandmother 
and my mom saved it.
Thanks for trying,

Hi Shannon,

I think that you are looking for an exact duplicate of a printed recipe that you remember. I hope that you find your copy of the recipe. I don't think you will find it elsewhere unless you are fortunate enough to happen across someone who has a copy of that same printed sheet from "Maid of Scandinavia."

As always, I will post this. Perhaps one of my readers, now or in the future, will have a copy of Maid of Scandinavia's Renè recipe and will send it to me - a scan or a photo of it, perhaps. If so, I will send it to you.


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