Subject: Professor's dipping sauce From: Kelly Date: 9/20/2021, 6:29 AM To: On 9/19/2021 10:23 PM, Kelly wrote: My name is Kelly. I live in Gainesville Ga. we used to have a restaurant here by the name of Professors. The home of the spudwiser. They went out of business 20 plus years ago. They had a homemade dipping sauce for their home potato chips. If you could possibly find that recipe i would love that so much. I read your email from The Cake Box that was in Gainesville also. It was the fantail bread recipe. I would like to have more of those recipes too if you could find them. Thank you so much.
Hi Kelly,
Sorry, I had no success with this recipe. The only mention of "Professor's" that I can find anywhere is one line from an article about past restaurants in The Gainesville Times: "Professor’s on Thompson Bridge Road specialized in custom baked potatoes." I could find no mention of their homemade potato chips or dipping sauce.
Kelly, there is a Gainesville, Georgia memories page on Facebook. You might have some success if you post your request for the dipping sauce recipe there. See: Remember in Gainesville, Georgia
If you want me to search for more recipes, just send me the name of the dish, the name of the restaurant, and its general location.
I'll post this for input from my readers.