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Uncle Phaedrus: Consulting Detective and Finder of Lost Recipes

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Horn & Horn French Dressing

Subject: Re: Horn & Horn French dressing??
From: Robert
Date: 5/21/2021, 9:44 AM

On 5/21/2021 12:21 AM, Robert wrote:

Hello… I hope this email finds you safe healthy and well… I was looking online 
for any information about the wonderful French dressing that I used to get as 
a kid at the horn & horn restaurant in EastPoint mall in Baltimore Maryland… 
And I saw your letter and was wondering if you ever heard any information on 
how this dressing was made… Thank you so much God bless!

Hello Robert,

Disappointingly, I have not received or located any real information about how the dressing was made since 2014, when this request was made: 3-28-2014

There are multiple requests extant on the web for the French dressing recipe (and also for the "Green Goddess" dressing recipe) from "Horn & Horn" or from "The White Coffee Pot", which had the same owner and served the same dressing. The most solid clue regarding the source of the dressing is a statement on a message board from a former White Coffee Pot manager that the dressing was made for Horn & Horn and White Coffee Pot by an outside vendor, a "private label," and that it was "shipped to the stores. we didn’t make it."  If that's so, then that private label vendor, whose name we do not know, would be the only source for the actual recipe.

After reading dozens of mentions about the two establishments today, many of which mention the French dressing, I lean toward the idea that the dressing was a "white French dressing", which was quite popular during the heyday of these restaurants.  Supposing that to be correct, there are recipes for "white French dressing" below and on these sites:

White French Dressing

Papa Joe's White French Dressing



1920's French Dressing Recipe

1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar
1/8 tsp Paprika
1/4C Oil of Choice (see note)
3T Lemon Juice or Vinegar

Place all ingredients in a bowl and whisk until well blended, about 2-3 minutes.  
Good for 2 main dish salads or 3-4 Side Salads with a meal.
White French Dressing (Makes 1 qt)

3 TB cornstarch
1/4 c. cold water
1/2 c. boiling water
1/4 tsp. paprika
1/4 c. hot water
1/2 c. sugar
3 TB salt
1 tsp. dry mustard
2 3/4 c. vegetable oil
1 c. cider vinegar
1/2 tsp. onion juice
1 clove garlic

Dissolve cornstarch in cold water in saucepan. Add boiling water and cook for 
3-4 min. over med. heat, stirring constantly until thick. Dissolve paprika in 
hot water; add to cornstarch mixture and cook 1 minute longer. Stir in sugar, 
salt and mustard. Strain mixture to eliminate any lumps if desired.
Whip hot mixture on med. speed of mixer while gradually adding oil alternately 
with vinegar. Beat in onion juice; add garlic clove, cover and refrigerate 24 
hours. Remove garlic clove before serving