Subject: Howard Johnson date nut bread recipe From: Robert Date: 2/9/2021, 3:01 PM To: On 2/9/2021 8:44 AM, Robert wrote: Hi looking for classic HJ date nut bread recipe Tx Robert
Hi Robert,
Sorry, I had no success locating this recipe.
There is a photo of the package here: Howard Johnson's Date Nut Bread
I would speculate that the date nut bread, like some of their other products, was not made in the local restaurants. It was likely made at a central commissary or by an outside vendor, and then shipped to the restaurants. That reduces the number of people who would know the recipe to those who worked at the commissary or vendor and to high-level corporate employees of the company. It does not appear that anyone has managed to make a copycat recipe for the date nut bread.
I'll post this for reader input. Perhaps someone can recommend a "tastes-like."