Subject: Montgomery Donuts From: Karen Date: 2/2/2021, 11:19 AM To: Hello, Also, the recipes for the sour cream and carrot cake donuts from the Montgomery Donuts. The donuts reminded me of those from CFoN as they had a slight crunch and a subtle glaze. The shops, which were located in downtown Silver Spring and Rockville in Montgomery County, Maryland) closed sometime in the 1990s or early 2000s when the areas started major gentrification projects. Thank you, Karen
Hello Karen,
There are nostalgic raves about Montgomery Donuts all over the web. Lots of people have tried to find a recipe for them, and it appears that all of them failed.
About 10 years ago, someone who had Montgomery donuts' secret recipe opened a place called "Slice N Dice" in Arlington, Virginia, where he sold Montgomery donuts. However, that place is closed now. That fellow, Ben Fischer, is probably the only person who has any of the recipes.
Sorry that I couldn't help.