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Sapulpa Hillbilly BBQ Sauce

Re: Sapulpa Hillbilly Barbeque Sauce
From: Perry
To: Phaedrus 
Date: 12/15/2024, 8:06 AM

On 12/14/2024 10:06 AM, perry wrote:

Do you know where or can I get a. Recipe for The Hillbilly Barbeque sauce 
made in sapulpa Oklahoma ? I used to buy the sandwiches made at warehouse 
market with hillbilly barbeque sauce ! My name is Perry. 

Hello Perry,

I think this might be the same bbq sauce that I was asked about before. See: 10-30-2019
I did not have any success finding an authentic recipe for Sapulpa Hillbilly BBQ Sauce either then or today.

There are mentions of that bbq sauce on these sites:
Sapulpa Daily Herald
Do You Remember Sapulpa?
Tusa TV Memories: "I miss both the sandwiches and the sauce. Head Country sauce is CLOSE, but it's still not Hillbilly..."
Note that remark that "Head Country is CLOSE,...". Head Country BBQ sauce is made in Ponca City, OK. Might be worth a try.

There are recipes CALLED "Hillbilly BBQ Sauce" on these sites, but you will have to make them and try them to determine whether they are the same sauce:

Family Cookbook Project

There are sauces or recipes on these sites called "Oklahoma BBQ Sauce." There is no evidence that they are the Sapulpa sauce, but you might want to give them a try if all else fails.

June Moon Spice Company
Seasoned Kitchen

I'll post this for reader input.
