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Today's Case:

Horn & Hardart Cheesecake Cheese

Re: Horn & Hardart Cheesecake
From: Daphne
To: Phaedrus 
Date: 8/15/2024, 10:56 AM

On 8/14/2024 7:40 PM, Daphne wrote:

I would love to know the name of the kind of cheese Horn & Hardart 
used to make their cheesecake.

Hello Daphne,

Sorry, I do not know what kind of cheese they used. Someone remarked on a message board that it may have been something called "baker's cheese", which is uncooked cottage cheese, also called "dry curd cottage cheese," but I could not find any solid verification of that. If you want to try using that kind of cheese and if you cannot find it, let me know where you live and I will try to locate a source and a recipe using it for you.

I will post this for reader input.
