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Magic Pan Deep Fried Ham & Cheese Crepes

Subject: Magic pan fried crepes
From: Janet
Date: 7/19/2020, 4:20 PM

On 7/18/2020 8:05 PM, janet wrote:

For years I couldn't remember the name of my one and only favorite crepe restaurant 
until I accidentally came across a website that said what happened to these restaurants? 
Magic pan was listed. I said that's it and I saw my favorite crepe on menu 2.
The ham and cheese deep fried crepe. Please send me the crepe recipe and ham and 
cheese and what to deep fry in to the exact instructions. 
I remember a dessert  one I enjoyed also but I just don't recall it. I thought it had 
chocolate drizzled on it?
Thank you

Hi Janet,

Absolutely the only recipe that I can find that fits your description is the one at this site: Fried Ham & Cheese Crepes

There is another recipe for Magic Pan ham and cheese crepes, but it is not fried, it is baked in an oven.

There are recipes for the  "ham palicsintas" that are found on most Magic Pan menus online, but they do not have any cheese, they have sour cream.

Apparently, only some Magic Pan locations had the fried ham & cheese crepes, but not all. I could not find any mention at all of  "Paulette's ham and cheese crepes" or "palacsintas" on any Magic Pan menu, just the screen capture that you sent, and at that link above with the recipe.

I did see a mention that many diners would get a combination dish - the ham palicsinta and the Alpine cheese sizzle, so that they could have ham and cheese together.

I have no idea about your chocolate dessert crepe is. Go to Google and type in "magic pan" menu when the links appear, click on images and then scan the menu photos. You might find the name of it that way. If you do, let me know and I'll try to locate a recipe for it.

My Magic Pan link page is here, with links to all of the MP recipes that I have: Magic Pan
