Subject: Found Official recipes from Souplantation/ Sweet Tomatoes Buffet
From: Jade
Date: 6/11/2023, 4:49 AM
I was directed from a Reddit user, and he suggested that I go to your
website for requesting recipes. However this post is not about that.
I wanted to add few websites and a blog dedicated to menu items and
their recipes from Souplantation/ Sweet Tomatoes.
The blog/ website is: Sweet Tomatoes Recipes
You will find their official recipes of salads, dressings, soups and
chowders, baked muffins, cornbread and their brown bread. Some are
coming from the Chef itself, and others from the San Diego Tribune
has written recipes from Souplantation featuring few of their recipes
serving 25 to 50 people - so they are in big quantities.
I am glad that I can help.
Thanks Jade!