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Today's Case:

Old Fashioned Nut Cake

Re: Old fashioned Nut Cake
From: Cathy
To: Phaedrus 
Date: 6/1/2024, 10:12 AM

On 6/1/2024 9:27 AM, Cathy wrote:

Old fashioned nut cake

Hi Cathy,

There is a recipe called "old fashioned nut cake" here: Old Fashioned Nut Cake

I ask my readers to give me as much information as they know about the recipe when making a request:

What kind of nuts?

Where did you have an "old fashioned nut cake" like the recipe you are seeking? Where did you hear about it?

I hope this recipe at the above link is what you want, but I can't tell with no more information thanĀ  "old fashioned nut cake."
