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Today's Case:

J. L. Hudson's Cheesecake Chiffon

From a recipe card found on a message board.

J. L. Hudson's Cheesecake Chiffon

16 ounces		cream cheese
8   ounces	    sour cream
2 (3.4-ounce) boxes  regular vanilla pudding (the kind you cook)
4 Tbsp				butter
1 Tbsp				vanilla
20 Lorna Doone butter cookies, crushed

Beat the cream cheese and sour cream until fluffy. Prepare the pudding as package 
directs, but reducing the milk to 3-1/2 cups. Remove from heat and add butter and 
vanilla, then the cheese mixture. Pour into a greased 9" spring form pan that has 
been lightly dusted with Lorna Doone crumbs. Cover and chill 24 hours before serving.