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Today's Case:

J L Hudson Orange-Filled Rolls

From J.L. Hudson's 1945 Recipe Cards:


Sorry, the J L Hudson's "sweet dough" recipe was not included.

JL Hudson Orange-Filled Rolls

	One recipe of basic sweet dough.* When dough is light, roll out on floured 
board into rectangular sheet 1/4 inch thick. Spread with cooked orange filling 
and roll up as for jelly roll. Cut into  1-inch pieces; place in greased muffin pans. 
Cover and set in warm place, free from drafts, until light, about 3/4 hour. 
Bake in moderate oven at 375° F. for about 25 to 30 minutes. 
Makes two dozen rolls.

Orange Filling for Rolls

3 Tbsps. 	cornstarch  
3/4 cup 	sugar 
1/2 cup 	cold water 
1/2 cup  	orange juice
2 Tbsps.	lemon juice
2 Tbsps   grated orange rind 
2  Tsps. 	grated lemon rind

Mix cornstarch and sugar together. Add water to make a smooth paste; add fruit juice and rind. Bring to boil, stirring constantly, and cook until thick. Cool.

*Sorry, this recipe was not included.