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Uncle Phaedrus: Consulting Detective and Finder of Lost Recipes

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"Best" Chicken Alfredo Recipe?

Re: best chicken Alfredo
From: Diane
To: Phaedrus 
Date: 4/10/2024, 8:38 AM

On 4/9/2024 10:22 PM, Diane wrote:
Please send the best Chicken Alfredo recipe.  Thank you!
Hello Diane,

I'm sorry, Diane, but I think you have misunderstood what I do. I could not possibly choose the "'best 'chicken Alfredo recipe." Chicken Alfredo is one of my favorite dishes, but l don't have a favorite recipe for it. I did do a Google search for "best chicken Alfredo recipe", but there are dozens of recipes for it that claim to be the "best." "Best" is entirely subjective. What is best to me might not be the best to anyone else. I can't even recommend one as being "best." If you go to Google and enter "best chicken Alfredo recipe" as the search term, you will get links to dozens of recipes with those words describing them.

What I do on this site is to search for recipes for dishes that people have had at a restaurant or elsewhere and would like to be able to make themselves. Or a recipe that they have heard of or read about or seen on TV or in a movie, but that they have been unable to find. Or perhaps a recipe that they used to have, but lost. Or something their mom used to make when they were young. Or a historical recipe. Or a recipe for a foreign dish. Or for a dish that they know the ingredients of, but not the name of the dish.

If you want a chicken Alfredo recipe like one that is or was served at a particular restaurant or that you had and lost or that you saw on a cooking show on TV, then I will do my best to find it for you. I just can't send you one and say that it is the "best."


Thank you, very helpful, you do great work!