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Uncle Phaedrus: Consulting Detective and Finder of Lost Recipes

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Today's Case:

Finding The Horn & Hardart Recipes

Re: Horn and Hardart LOVE Story
From: Howard
To: Phaedrus 
Date: 2/14/2025, 8:27 AM

On 2/13/2025 9:25 PM, Howard wrote:

I’d LOVE access to re-make recipes that I grew up on with my dad bringing home 
treats from H & H : Cole Slaw, Tapioca and Rice Puddings!!!!

Hello Howard,

This is how to get my Horn & Hardart recipes:

Go to my Front Page:

Click on:  "Links to the Most Popular Recipes - Check this List First!"

On that page, go down the list and click on: "Horn & Hardart Recipes"

On that page, go down the link list to:"Rice Pudding" and click on it. Save the recipe to your device or print it.

Go back to the  "Horn & Hardart Recipes" page.

On that page, go down the link list to: "Tapioca" and click on it. Save the recipe to your device or print it.

Go back to the  "Horn & Hardart Recipes" page.

Go down the list again and then below it to: "These are H & H recipes that people have requested, but that I have had no success locating:"

Go down more, below the ad, if there is one, to the list itself and you will see "Coleslaw" on that list. No luck with that one.

If you are unable to follow these instructions, please ask someone who is more experienced with computers or cell phones to help you.
