Subject: Cas Walker deli bbq sauce recipe
From: Sheila
Date: 1/22/2023, 5:05 PM
On 1/22/2023 4:05 PM, Sheila wrote:
Hi……I’m looking for the recipe for the barbeque sauce used on the
rotisserie chickens sold in the Cas Walkers Deli back in the 1960s.
It was very different from typical barbeque sauces that are available
now which all seem to be loaded with brown sugar. I’m hoping someone
who used to work there might remember the recipe.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Hi Sheila,
It's been an awfully long time since Cas' was in business. There are a lot of mentions of Cas Walker and his East Tennessee stores on the web, but nary a mention of his BBQ or BBQ sauce.
I'll post this for reader input.