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Today's Case:

Nip & Ernie's Hot Dog Chili & Brownies

I had no success locating the requested "Nip & Ernie's" chicken salad recipe, but I did find the two below recipes.

 Nip & Ernie's Hot Dog Chili

1 lb of lean ground beef
1/2 cup of water (up to 1 cup if desired)
3 tablespoons if chili powder
1/2 tsp of garlic powder 
salt to taste

Place ground beef in medium sized sauce pan or skillet. Add remaining ingredients. 

Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer on low for approximately 30 minutes 

Nip and Ernie's Brownies

1 stick of melted oleo
2 cup sugar
1 cup flour (plain
2 T. cocoa
2 eggs
1 cup nuts
2 teaspoons of vanilla

Mix sugar and cocoa; oleo, eggs and flour.  Stir in pecans and vanilla.  
Place on a greased cookie sheet.  Bake about 15 minutes at 350.  
Put 1 bag of marshmallows (about 25) on top and let melt.  Let cool. 


Sift 1 box confectioners sugar, 2 T. cocoa, 1 stick melted oleo and enough milk to spread.  
Let set and cool. 
Note:  You may want to put the marshmallows on top of the brownies about the last 2 to 
3 minutes of baking.  Watch carefully.  Overcooking will cause the brownies to be too dry.  
It is better if the brownies are a bit moist.